With the holiday period fast approaching it is important to think about your home’s safety and security. It can often be a busy time with family and traveling but it is important that you keep everything safe to avoid any unnecessary security problems such as theft and home burglary. Unfortunately the reality is that whilst Christmas and holiday times are very busy, burglars also see this as the perfect opportunity.

Ultimate Security has prepared 3 quick tips to help keep your home and family safe this holiday season.

1) Dispose of Boxes/Wrapping DiscreetlyChristmas time can often mean presents and many new and sometimes expensive items. With these items comes a lot of packaging and unfortunately the reality is burglars do pick up on this as a signal. Try to dispose of any large boxes and items discretely and over time if needed. Do not leave large empty boxes in a visible area at the front of your home, it is advertising you do not want to be doing.

2) If Away, Ensure Your Home Does Not Look Empty
When travelling over the holiday period it is important that your home still seems active with people. Most home burglary occurs when people are not home. Burglars will avoid the homes where they believe people are home in most cases, opting for the easiest target. Some good ways are sensor and timed lighting within the home and on the outside. Ask your neighbours or a friend to bring your mail in and or do your bins on the appropriate night. If you have a car visible have it moved around if possible.

3) Install a Ultimate Home Security System
Ideally you want to be as in control of your home’s security as possible. An Ultimate Home Security System allows you this opportunity. You can set scenes with lighting etc and arm/disarm your security system from your phone no matter where you are. If you add security cameras to your package you can also check on your home 24/7 with their live streaming.

If you need anymore information about Ultimate Security home security packages simply give us a call on (02) 9311 1111, our team is happy to assist in any way possible.